For Lack of a Nail...

"For Lack of a Nail..." is the venue for Lloyd V.s occasional musings on everyday events, his design work, and life in the sometimes divergent worlds of make-believe in videogames.

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Location: Las Vegas, Nevada, United States

I never know what to say about myself when it comes to these things, so I'll try to keep this short and sweet. My interests are many and varied, from Apple's Macs to Mike Mignola's Hellboy. I also have an eclectic taste in music, counting such artists as Breakin Benjamin, Kanye West, and Rachael Yamagata among my favorites. Playing video games is also a passion, with World of Warcraft currently monopolizing my time while I eagerly anticipate new entries in the Final Fantasy and Metal Gear Solid series.

Sunday, March 20, 2005

Croc Shoe

Croc Shoe

This is a scan of a small acrylic painting I did for my advanced illustration class. My instructor assigned an anthropomorphic shoe project, that is, we were supposed to illustrate a shoe made to appear human-like, or have human qualities. I drew several concepts before I settled on creating a croc skin shoe anthropomorphized to resemble an upright, walking crocodile.


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