For Lack of a Nail...

"For Lack of a Nail..." is the venue for Lloyd V.s occasional musings on everyday events, his design work, and life in the sometimes divergent worlds of make-believe in videogames.

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Location: Las Vegas, Nevada, United States

I never know what to say about myself when it comes to these things, so I'll try to keep this short and sweet. My interests are many and varied, from Apple's Macs to Mike Mignola's Hellboy. I also have an eclectic taste in music, counting such artists as Breakin Benjamin, Kanye West, and Rachael Yamagata among my favorites. Playing video games is also a passion, with World of Warcraft currently monopolizing my time while I eagerly anticipate new entries in the Final Fantasy and Metal Gear Solid series.

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Which One Will It Be?

According to a gamespot news article, Square-Enix is scheduled to make a surprise announcement this March 2. Apparently, a "flyer" on is inviting everyone to a game related event but would not disclose more detail regarding the nature of the mystery news. Could this mark the launch of Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children? Or even better,FinalFantasy XII? Either one would be welcome news to fans who have been waiting for the next installment in the series.

Then again, the event might not be the venue for either launch—it could be an announcement regarding Sony PSP ports, a new original series, or something else altogether. It's all speculation at this point, but you'll be sure that many would be on the lookout for any clues until event day.


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