For Lack of a Nail...

"For Lack of a Nail..." is the venue for Lloyd V.s occasional musings on everyday events, his design work, and life in the sometimes divergent worlds of make-believe in videogames.

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Location: Las Vegas, Nevada, United States

I never know what to say about myself when it comes to these things, so I'll try to keep this short and sweet. My interests are many and varied, from Apple's Macs to Mike Mignola's Hellboy. I also have an eclectic taste in music, counting such artists as Breakin Benjamin, Kanye West, and Rachael Yamagata among my favorites. Playing video games is also a passion, with World of Warcraft currently monopolizing my time while I eagerly anticipate new entries in the Final Fantasy and Metal Gear Solid series.

Thursday, February 17, 2005

The Real McCoy and the Internet

Just as I was synchronizing blog posts and journal entries, the phrase "the real McCoy" came to me. So I opened a new tab in Safari, went to, and did a phrase search—including etymology in the search terms. (I don't remember why I thought of the real McCoy, I have a feeling there's a reason why, but I can't remember anymore.)

Apparently it referred to real, unadulterated Scotch whiskey, and came to mean the genuine article, but other origins still circulate. I thought that was interesting, and got around to thinking how the internet enables such knowledge safaris, in addition to more dubious applications.

It's just too bad that the very nature of the internet also incubates such annoyances, productivity drains, and dangers as spam, viruses and malware—not to mention the proliferation of inaccurate or downright erroneous information, sometimes making research harder than it should be.


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