For Lack of a Nail...

"For Lack of a Nail..." is the venue for Lloyd V.s occasional musings on everyday events, his design work, and life in the sometimes divergent worlds of make-believe in videogames.

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Location: Las Vegas, Nevada, United States

I never know what to say about myself when it comes to these things, so I'll try to keep this short and sweet. My interests are many and varied, from Apple's Macs to Mike Mignola's Hellboy. I also have an eclectic taste in music, counting such artists as Breakin Benjamin, Kanye West, and Rachael Yamagata among my favorites. Playing video games is also a passion, with World of Warcraft currently monopolizing my time while I eagerly anticipate new entries in the Final Fantasy and Metal Gear Solid series.

Friday, February 11, 2005

The Prodigal Feed

Many bloggers have opted to provide site feeds which allow their readers to automatically be appraised of new posts and perhaps other updates to their blogs. This comes as an effort to make it convenient for the site's readers to catch up on their reading, thus making it easier to attract new audiences and keep readers coming back for more of the author's distinctive voice.

It was with that in mind that I enabled feed publishing for myNoggin, and seeing how my blog hasn't grown to mammoth proportions, I republished my entire blog in the space of a few seconds. Everything appeared to go smoothly, and I wouldn't have noticed the gaff if I didn't try to add my blog as a Live Bookmark to Firefox. Apparently, when I changed my blog's address to, the index still pointed the browser to the old location,

At first, I thought I might have republished just my index, and not the entire blog so I went ahead and did just that, making sure that I did choose that option, but no dice. Then it occurred to me that disabling the feed, republishing the blog, then enabling the feed, and then republishing the blog might do the trick. After going through that routine-which thankfully didn't take much time, I was finally able to get the site pointing to the right feed address.

I guess my experience demonstrates just how important actual testing is, because while the system or program or whatever might see nothing amiss, errors great and small might actually be lurking in the background.


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